Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today I'm grateful for hugs

I'm a hugger.
I hug everyone and anyone for any reason and for no reason at all.
I have been this way all my life
There is something magical about physical touch (not talking sex here people)
A hug is a powerful thing - to pull someone into your personal space and squeeze the heck out of them and for that one minute they feel loved,secure and protected.
Oh yeah,now you see why I am so into hugs.
During my dark moments a few days back,I badly needed hugs and my little man came through with tons and tons of hugs - he's going to be a hugger too!
These days everywhere I go,I'm on the look out for people who may need a hug and if they don't mind,I give them one or two.
I've realised that when I hug someone,it doesn't just make them happy,it makes me happy too..and Lord knows I love being happy so today,I'm grateful for hugs.

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