Monday, January 31, 2011

Today I'm grateful for self help books

I'm addicted to self help books.
There,I admitted it.
I love reading any self help books I can get my hands on and I estimate that I read about 12 a year.
I don't necessarily need help dealing with my issues - I already know how to calm my inner demons.I just really love self help books because they pump me up and motivate me to keep pressing forward.

Today,I finally finished reading "Excuse me,your life is waiting" and it was everything I expected it to be and a lot more. I will gladly live on the high I got from reading this book for at least the next 30 days or more.If you haven't read it,please do.It'll change the way you think and feel.Trust me.

I try to be positive on a daily basis and thats not the easiest thing to do with all of life's bumps but self help books help me stay focused and entertained so today,I'm grateful for self help books and the "experts" who dare to write them.

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