Sunday, January 30, 2011

Today I'm grateful for google

I love google.
I don't know how I lived without it,I don't even want to think about it.
My solution to everything is: "google it"

I can't even begin to count the number of times google has come to my rescue..from finding recipes to wow my little dude's taste buds,to researching illnesses and finding contests.I rely on google for pretty much everything.

Today in particular I'm grateful for google because I badly needed to print out and scan some very important documents that are due tomorrow but BOTH my printers where acting up and did not want to scan no matter how many times I installed and re-installed the scanner software.When I felt myself starting to lose my cool,I turned to google to search for ways to bypass the printers' internal scanner and still get the job done and wouldn't you know it,I found a page with step by step instructions on how to do just that AND it had pictures of each step too!Yah for google!

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