Saturday, January 29, 2011

Today I'm grateful for McDonald's free Wi-Fi

It's a beautiful day in Atlanta today
61 degrees and it's going to get even prettier
I'm excited I get to be outdoors ALL. DAY. LONG.
I'm typing this from McDonald's where I'm watching my little dude playing in the indoor playground with other kids.
It feels good hearing their innocent laughter floating through the glass.

It also feels really good to be able to take my computer anywhere and instantly be online chatting to friends and getting work done while my little man has his fun.
I can't believe just a few years ago pretty much everyone was using dial up and now you have internet almost everywhere you go and it's super fast too!Even on planes and in McDonald's!

I'm so spoiled,I expect every business place I visit to offer Wi-Fi and McDonald's hasn't disappointed in that department so today I'm grateful for McDonald's free Wi-Fi.

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