Monday, January 24, 2011

Today I'm grateful for skirt! Magazine Atlanta

Last week I was browsing through skirt! Magazine Atlanta's website and the graphic on the side of their page caught my eye.It was a beautiful piece called "Amaze Yourself" and it listed a rather interesting list of things you can do to amaze yourself and add a little excitement to your life.I've grabbed a screen shot of the graphic..unfortunately I wasn't able to get it all but I got a pretty decent size of it..

One of the things on that list is a line that says: blog every day for a year.Long after I read that piece,I couldn't get that line out of my head and I challenged myself to actually do it hence this blog.This is Day 1 of the 365 days of daily blogging.Will I stick through with it?I hope so.Check back with me on Day 365 of keeping a gratitude journal.Until then,I want to say today I'm grateful for skirt! Magazine Atlanta for giving me the courage to start a gratitude journal (thats something I've always wanted to do anyway,I just kept putting it off until their article pushed me to actually just do it!).I can't wait to amaze myself!

This is the full piece that inspired me to start this gratitude journal:
Amaze yourself.
Join a commune
Pester your congressman about a pet cause

Pierce one of your parts
Start a women's choir
Go back to school
Write an erotic novel
Do 100 pushups
Register on
Raise chicken, sell eggs
Read your camera manual
Blog every day for a year
Be unexpected - wear a unisexy tuxedo to a black-tie event
Enter a competition
Open a pop-up shop
Make up a holiday and have a party to celebrate it
Film a 30-second movie on your phone video
Trade houses with someone in another country
Choose a new first name
Learn to make one dish flawlessly
Come up with three ideas for a start-up business
Lose your fear of death
Lose your fear of dancing
Be an astonishment to the world

-skirt! magazine Atlanta

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