Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today I'm grateful for Jason

I'm dating an awesome guy called Jason.
We met in November 2010 - around thanksgiving time.
I really like this man.I have a lot of fun with him.I enjoy his company.I am happy just being around him.

He is supportive.He is very tolerant - I can't tell you how many times he's listened to a song he couldn't care less about just to please me or how many events I've dragged him to and he's been a totally good sport about it all.

But probably most important of all is we talk..like really talk about stuff...thats a work in progress because while I'm all so "miss talkative" with strangers,in my personal relationships I always shut down and "bury" stuff - and that is a very destructive thing!But with Jason,we talk,we communicate,we discuss..it's not perfect but I have to say it feels really good to share without feeling like it's going to be used against you.

Will this last?I don't know.These things don't come with guarantees.All I know is that its fun right now and that today,I'm grateful for Jason for being the bright light in my sky for the past few weeks.

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