Thursday, February 3, 2011

Today I'm grateful for Denise Austin

I'm a walker.
I'm a germaphobe.
I'm pretty positive I'm allergic to gyms.
I've lived practically next door to a gym for about 3 years now and I've only been in there less than 10 times.
And those times I was in there,instead of exercising,I was too busy worrying about all the germs everyone else had left on the equipment:(
So,I've decided to stick to walking from now on.
I really enjoy walking.
It clears my head.
I love inhaling the fresh air and feeling it hit my face hard.
I always feel like wonder woman after a good long walk.

In the winter months when I'm unable to walk outside,I turn to my trusted "friend in my head" fitness guru Denise Austin.
I first found out about Denise Austin when I was in college and she had a morning segment on Lifetime TV.
At first I'd just watch without joining in.
I think I even may have made fun of her exercise routines a few times.
But when I had my little dude and needed to get back in shape and increase my energy levels,you can bet she's the person I turned to.
Did I lose weight?Yes.
But even most importantly,I got back my energy!
Denise Austin's workouts are so simple and yet very,very effective and exercising to her videos is like having your very own personal trainer right there with you...and the bonus is this personal trainer is actually nice and not pushy at all.
I never thought I'd say this in a million years but working out is fun with this woman and it's precisely because of that,that today,I'm grateful for Denise Austin.

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