Friday, February 4, 2011

Today I'm grateful for people who DON'T text and drive

I have a confession to make - I text and drive.
Correction - I used to text and drive.
I TRY not to text and drive.
Most days I resist the temptation.
Occassionally I fall short and sneak in a text or 2.
I'm constantly working on this area in my life and hopefully I'll have this problem under control soon.
I have so much to live for,I don't want to hurt myself or hurt someone else just because I am too busy texting and driving.

Tonight on my way home from an event,I was driving behind a van that kept swerving from one lane to another and almost collided into two cars.At first I thought the driver was dozing off because it was very late in the night but as I passed the car,I realised she was actually on the phone texting...on 75S in Atlanta...if you know just how crowded that road ALWAYS is,you know how incredibly dangerous that was.It was certainly a wake up call to me to do better so today,I'm grateful for people who don't text and are my heros and heroines.

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