Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today I'm grateful for forgiveness

I'm feeling a certain way about someone.
Not the good kind of feeling
I feel a strange amount of animosity toward this person
But I can't talk to them about the issue without starting World War 3
So that leaves me with two options
I either confront them about the issue and severely damage the bond
Or I forgive the person and keep it moving
I am choosing forgiveness over confrontation
Right before I started writing this journal entry,I found a quote I saved a while back:

It's a good day to let someone off the hook. Shock them with grace. Let your forgiveness be quick and your kindness amazing.

I don't know who said that but I'm glad they did because it's whats helping me overcome the animosity I feel toward this person.
Each time I feel anger raising in me,I quickly reflect back on that quote,breath deeply in and out and calm myself down.
So far it's working.
I know my bitterness at the issue isn't going to go away overnight
But I feel a whole lot better now that I've decided to forgive this person.
So,today,I'm grateful for forgiveness and the relief it brings with it.

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