Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today I'm grateful for my part-time job

I have my dream job.
Actually I have my dream jobs.
I'm a freelance writer who also works part-time in promotions.
I am a people person so working in promotions is perfect for me as it gets me out there talking and interacting with people.
Occasionally I meet famous people and today I got to meet Rusty Wallace.
I love racing and Rusty is definitely one of my favorite drivers.
He is such a sweetheart.
I watched him work the crowd with a smile that seemed to come from the bottom of his heart.
He signed countless pictures and mini race cars (he even autographed one for my little dude)
He shook everyone's hands
He posed for a gazillion pictures
And not once did this man complain.
Not once.
I was very impressed with Rusty Wallace.
Tomorrow,I get to work the Brad Paisley concert and attend it.
My job isn't glamorous by any stretch of the word but it has its perks and those perks (and the people I work with) keep me going back every single week so today I'm grateful for my part-time job that gives me a break from my regular gig.

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