Saturday, February 12, 2011

Today I'm grateful for good customer service

If there is one thing I detest with a passion,it's having to call customer service when I have a problem to deal with.I have nothing against the people themselves but I have major issues with their techniques.

If I call with a problem,I don't want a rep reading a manual to me,even if thats what he or she is trained to do.Trust me,by the time I pick up the phone to call you,it means I tried everything and nothing happened.

I called AT&T because my phone has been acting up and rep after rep after rep made me do the same things over and over and over and over again.Each time I politely explained that I had already done all those steps and the problem still existed and each time no rep listened to me.Frustrated,I decided to call one more time and this time around a nice gentleman answered.He empathized with me and apologised for the problem - and he sounded genuine too!And he immediately went to work on getting the issue rectified.I had called ready for war but his warmth disarmed me completely and by the time I hang up the phone,I was grinning from ear to ear.AT&T was about to lose a customer but they still have me for another two years thanks to this guy.I wish every single customer service rep was as good as he is but sadly thats not the case so today,I'm grateful for good customer service and the awesome customer service reps who actually know how to do their jobs!

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