Friday, February 11, 2011

Today I'm grateful for the serenity prayer

On Tuesday I wrote about a situation thats been troubling me and one I've been having a hard time dealing with and late last night I hit an all time low thanks to that situation so what did I do?I found myself reciting the serenity prayer.

I don't know why out of all possible solutions thats what my mind chose BUT I will tell you this,the second I recited the serenity prayer,I instantly felt calm.I felt this huge wave of relief flooding over me and the knots in my belly disappeared.I'm in a much better emotional space now.I feel really good.I feel like no matter what happens,not just with that situation but with everything in life,I'm going to be just fine.My daily chant has always been "this too shall pass" and now I'm adding the serenity prayer to this mix so watch out world,I'm about to hit you hard in the face with positivity!

Writing that last statement made me smile so today,I am grateful for the serenity prayer and the peace of mind that comes with it and my wish for you is that you'll be granted the serenity to accept the things you cannot change,the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference.

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