Sunday, February 6, 2011

Today I'm grateful for my little dude

Growing up,I was very certain about one thing - I wouldn't have children.
At about 14,I decided I would adopt children - 15 of them to be exact.
I was ambitious and knew without a doubt I'd grow up to be rich and successful so raising 15 children would be a piece of cake.
At 17,my tune changed and I swore to anyone and everyone I didn't want kids.
I wanted to be a free bird,I wanted to travel and see the world.
Honestly,I think I was just scared of the responsibility that came with having kids.
I didn't want to be accountable for and to another human.
I mean,I'm the kind of person who can't even take care of a pet.

But I met a man who loves kids and he is one heck of a salesman - he sold me on the idea of having a child and fast forward six years later,here I sit with the most gorgeous little dude asleep in my lap.

Occasionally we get on each other's nerves.
Occasionally he has me pulling my hair out when he doesn't do things exactly when and how I want him to do them.
Occasionally,out of the blue he surprises me with a hug or compliments me on my hair or outfit and tells me he loves me.
Occasionally he wrestles me to the ground and kicks my ass in wii boxing.
He thinks he knows it all.
He's fighting for his independence.
I'm trying to let him grow up into his own person.
I see me in him.I see his father in him.
I smile each time he calls me "mommy".
It doesn't matter if I'm angry or happy or tired,once he says "mommy",I always have to choke back tears.
This little person is my child.
This little person is my world.
How in the world did I exist without him?
I don't even want to know.
I got really lucky with him and if this is it for me as far as kids go,I'm a very lucky woman.I can't believe he actually calls me "mommy".
I can't believe I am someone's mom.
This kid brings me incredible joy.
This kid keeps me pressing forward even when I feel like giving up.
As cliche as it sounds,I never knew it was possible to love someone this much.

In a few years he'll be all grown and too cool to hang out with me but right now he's sitting in my lap with his arms around my neck and this is the best feeling in the world so today,I'm grateful for my little dude and all the joy he's brought into my world.

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