Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today I'm grateful for smoothies

I have this weird obsession with smoothies.
I can't get enough of them.
My favorite flavor is grape with orange being a close second.
I love mango flavored smoothies too.
Some people have comfort food,I have my smoothies.
Some people go shopping to drive the blues away,I have my smoothies.
When I need to celebrate anything,I head straight to the smoothie store.
They are overpriced but still a whole lot cheaper than shoes and handbags.

Today,Jason treated me to a Planet Smoothie medium Grape Ape smoothie "just because"...(yes,I'm bragging about him).It was soooo delicious.I'm working on converting him into a smoothie fan.I wish they weren't so overpriced but they are still worth every single penny so today,I'm grateful for smoothies (and the person who invented them!)

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