Saturday, February 19, 2011

Today I'm grateful for my new home

Yah! We have a house,we have a house,we have a house.
We just upgraded from an apartment to a house and I'm in paradise.
It's not fancy but its our home.

Last year I promised my little dude I'd move us into a house.
I also promised him a garage because we both detest doing the "hot seat" dance during summer BUT I didn't deliver on the garage.
I did however find a house with a picket fence.
Our new home has a picket fence.
How cool is that?
I still can't get over that one little thing.

When you hear of the American dream,it always involves a house with a picket fence.
We've got the picket fence thing down,next stop is actually buying a house.
Until we save up for that huge step, I can't wait to meet my neighbors and get to know my new neighborhood.I'm soooooo going to be that neighbor who says hello to everyone. I may even take them some apple pie when I go to introduce myself! Until my smiley face shows up at their doors,I just wanted to share with you that today,I'm grateful for my new home.

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