Friday, February 18, 2011

Today I'm grateful for simple things like no deposit for a service

You know what really irks me about being an adult?
The fact that after a certain age, you begin to be defined by your credit score.
Your credit score pretty much dictates the kind of lifestyle you're going to live and the services you'll enjoy.

I'm in the process of moving from one city to another so I'm going through this whole process of getting my credit run to turn utilities on etc,etc.
I'm not a huge fan of the process.
I've ALWAYS been a very responsible person with my credit but it took a hard hit from the divorce and I've spent the past 3 years rebuilding it back up to the stellar score it once was.I'm getting there (the previous score was really high! - and yes,I'm bragging)

Anyway,today I had to get two services turned on and they both required getting a credit check.
Because I hadn't checked my credit report in ages (I know,bad Mimi),I didn't know what my credit score was so I was very tempted to ask them not to run my credit check and just let me pay the maximum deposit required. But I had this nagging feeling that I should let them run it anyway and when they did run it,I found out I had a good enough score to not require a deposit for a service where the maximum deposit is a few hundred dollars and for the other service,I was eligible for the lowest possible deposit required instead of giving them the maximum of $265.
Was I happy? You bet.
So,today I'm grateful for simple things like no deposit for a service because they mean that my hard work at getting my good credit score back is paying off!

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