Monday, February 14, 2011

Today I'm grateful for valentine's day

I've never really been big on Valentine's day..mostly because I'm opposed to the idea of just expressing your love on one particular day.I believe love should be expressed every single day - to your partner, to your kids,to your family,to your friends.Their love tanks should be overflowing every single day.Don't just wait until Feb. 14th to let people know how crazy you are about them.

As much as I'm against the whole Valentine's day idea,I have to admit I love the atmosphere on this particular day.
I love how compassionate most human beings get on this day.
I love how happy most people seem.
I love the excitement floating around in the air when Valentine's day rolls around.
I love just how people go out of their way to be nice others on this one particular day - I wish it were that way every single day but I know I'm dreaming.
Tomorrow when chubby cupid puts his bow and arrow down,the whole world will go back to it's not-so-loving self which is why I'm taking in as much of this as I can today and really enjoying it...I hope you're enjoying it too - with or without a valentine.I hope today,like me,you are grateful for Valentine's day.

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