Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Today I'm grateful for being a WAHM

Valentine's night was rough - and not the good kind of rough.
My little dude complained about a tummy ache at about 7pm and then everything went downhill from there.
He kept getting sick every 2 hours or so.
Needless to say,none of us got any sleep.
This morning,I'm keeping him home with me instead of sending him to school.
I wouldn't be able to do that if I had a "regular job".
If I had a job outside the house,
I'd need to call my boss and ask for a day off.
And if my boss said no,I'd have to hire a sitter since we don't have family here.
I'm glad I didn't have to do all that.
I'm my own boss.
The whole WAHM gig doesn't come with a steady pay cheque like a "regular job" does but on days like these when I can work on my projects while taking care of my sick little man,I realise just how lucky I am for not having a traditional job.
So,today,I'm grateful for being a WAHM.

*WAHM = Work At Home Mom

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