Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Today I'm grateful for helpful friends

I'm one of those people who hates asking for favors.
Like,it would just be a lot easier for me to rip out my kidney than ask for a favor.
I don't really know why I detest asking for favors..I suppose I just don't want anything hanging over my head.
I don't want someone coming to me one day with a huge favor and if I turn them down,they go "but remember when I did this and that for you".
I hate that.
So I stay away from asking for favors if I can help it.
But today I had a doozie of a favor and I really had no alternative but to ask my friends for help.
Did I think they would come through for me,yes I did.
They are the kind of people who are always there when you need them.
What overwhelmed me is just how much they willingly came through for me.
Even if it was expected,it was still touching.

What was the favor?
My little brother is an amateur photographer and he is trying to get his work shown in a gallery.This would no doubt open doors for him and help him take this photography thing to the next level.
He is talented,he is smart,he is driven.
I say that no because he is my little brother but because it is true.
If I were a betting person,I would bet all my cash on him.
Anyway,he needs votes to get his work shown and I asked my friends to vote for him and being the awesome friends they are,they did vote for him!
So heck,I'm grateful for my super helpful friends.

And hey,YOU too could help my brother too.Here's how:

Go to facebook and LIKE his picture (the one with the ducks).You must first like the MishMash page and then like his picture.

Alternatively, email with his name (Aggrey Agbara) and photographer ID (1)

OR vote here: (photographer ID is 1)

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