Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today I'm grateful for my tax lady

The tax man cometh and mama aint happy.
I am smart but taxes stress me out.
I can make money.
I can save money.
On a good day I even know how to count my change and tell a dime from a nickel.
But I do not like to do my own taxes.
I attempted doing my taxes my first year ever filing and let me just say I made a HUGE mess out of it.
I was super proud of my work too and even mailed off a cheque to the IRS grinning from ear to ear,feeling like such an accomplished and responsible adult.
A few weeks later I got back a letter from the IRS with my corrected form and a refund.
Turns out I had paid Uncle Sam when he owed me!
Thats the moment I decided I would never ever do my taxes again.

So every year around this time,I gather all my paperwork and head down to the H&R block where my very patient tax lady sorts through all my papers and works her magic.
I walk in with a pile of disorganised papers and a heavy heart.
I walk out with a neat folder and a light heart - it would be lighter if I didn't have to dish out so much in taxes BUT I'll never really complain about taxes.
The fact that I owe taxes lets me know I have money coming in.
It lets me know I am blessed.
It lets me know that my little dude can go to school for free.
It lets me know that should I ever feel unsafe,the cops are there for me.
Paying taxes lets me know that I can stand at my next community meeting and rightfully complain about that messed up road that I have to use to get home - whether they do something about it however, is a whole different story.
So even when I grumble,I'm not really complaining.
And while I'm not going to be bursting into song and dance over the fact that I have to pay taxes,today I'm grateful for my tax lady who is my bestfriend around this time of the year.

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