Friday, March 11, 2011

Today I'm grateful for mistakes

I'm trying to get the little dude into a public charter school.
His new school isn't a bad school,it's just not as challenging as his old school.
He is a very smart kid and I want a school that helps him grow.
I got some very misleading information about charter schools - precisely that they didn't follow the zoning rules so after doing my research and choosing out 3 charter schools,I got all my paperwork together and set out to fill out all the applications.I spent about 2 hours at the first school and as his application was being inspected,I found out he wasn't eligible for enrollment because he doesn't live in that school zone.

I was crushed.
I had gotten emotionally attached to this school by browsing through its website.
So I sat in my car resigned to the fact that this was it and he was doomed.
I figured I will teach him myself at home in addition to whatever he learns at school.I formulated a plan that involved me going to the library and utilising all the resources available for homeschoolers.I laid out a nice little plan in my head - all while sitting in that car in the school parking lot.

Then I remembered what the lady had side about zoning and decided to do a quick check for public charter schools in my new neighborhood.
First check revealed that yes,there are quite a few BUT they were all so far from me or they were middle schools and high schools.
My gut told me to dig a little deeper and a few google searches later,I discovered there is indeed a public charter school in my backyard...literally 4 minutes from me!Oh and it gets better,registration doesn't start until Monday so I found out about it just in time!

Will my little dude be accepted into the school?
I hope so.
I pray so.
I'm believing and accepting that he will be.
I'm ready to drive him to and from school.
I just need for him to be accepted.
We'll find out in April if he got in.
I believe the school is going to use a lottery system if they have so many applicants.
Every single time a school has used a lottery system for intake,my baby has ALWAYS been chosen.
I'm hoping this time will not be any different.

I'm just grateful I found out about this school.
I'm grateful I was misinformed and that because of that wrong information I learned something new about the town I live in.
Each mistake we make really is a learning moment if and when we stop to look for the lesson in the midst of our pity parties so today I'm grateful for mistakes.

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