Monday, March 7, 2011

Today I'm grateful for my former in-laws

The little dude and I are down in Alabama for Mardi Gras
It's been over 4 years since his dad and I parted ways and it's been a minute since I came down to "his territory" - meaning where his family lives.
They have ALWAYS welcomed me with open arms even after the divorce and this time around is no exception.

I will always be thankful for the fact that we had an amicable and very civil parting.
Our son benefits from this.
I can't give him the loving support system his dad's side of the family can and I'm so glad they are there for him and they genuinely love him - and spoil him maybe a tad too much.

I've never had to stay in a hotel when down here because my former MIL always has a spot for me,even if I'm no longer married to her son.
As I type this,I'm looking out at ribs,chicken,beef patties and hot dogs sizzling on the grill and my former in-laws are gathered around talking and hanging out and I can't help but think..thank you heavens for sending me this wonderful family who still welcome me with a hug and a smile.
So yeah,today I'm grateful for my former in-laws.

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