Sunday, March 6, 2011

Today I'm grateful for soup

I hate soup.
I would NEVER eat it willingly.
But I'm a mommy with a school-age kid which means when school is in,colds seem to take up permanent residence in our home.
My little dude has been struggling with a cold for the past 2 weeks and just when I thought I was in the clear,I woke up to a sore throat and running nose.
Fun,fun,fun stuff...NOT.
I could take nyquil but it'll knock me out cold for at least 3 days so I'm staying away from medicine and giving my body a chance to fight this off on its own.
Ofcourse it sucks sniffing and coughing all over the place but thank heavens for soup to warm up my body.So even if I'm normally not a huge fan,today I'm grateful for soup!

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