Friday, January 28, 2011

Today I'm grateful for texting

If you know me,you know my phone and I are practically attached to the hip.
Or more appropriately,my phone is glued to my hand.
I have a cute phone (yes,I'm showing off) and I have a texting habit thats worse than a crack habit.

I am ALWAYS texting - whether to check on a friend or to enter a contest or to check in with work.If you see me,chances are I'm tapping away on my phone keyboard regardless of what time of the day or night it is.

The last time I checked my bill,I had sent over 5000 texts and I was only 2 weeks into my billing cycle.Thank heavens I have an unlimited texting plan.

I really should talk more on the phone because the older I get the more I realise that texting is very impersonal and A LOT gets lost in translation.
Plus,sometimes it just feels really good to hear another voice with emotion on the other end as opposed to reading a line of text with a smilie at the end.

Impersonal issues aside,I have to admit that it feels really good to wake up to a sweet text message - that alone sets the tone for my day so today,I'm grateful for texting - and I eagerly anticipate hearing my phone beep as another message is delivered telling me I won something cool or that someone cares:)

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