Thursday, January 27, 2011

Today I'm grateful for my ex-husband

I know you're probably scratching your head wondering if I've lost it.
I assure you,I havent.
My ex-husband and I have been separated for about 4 years now and divorced for about 3 and we are one of those rare couples that actually remained civil when the relationship didn't work out.

I realise I'm fortunate to have someone I can raise my son with peacefully without any unnecessary drama.We don't always agree on everything but we've learned to accept each other's parenting styles as is because we know that the bottom line is we both want the very best for our little dude and thats all that matters.

We co-parent.He is a great dad.He is a great friend.Not the kind of friend you call every day to chit chat with but the kind of friend you know has got your back through everything.It's because of those reasons that today I'm grateful for my ex-husband.

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