Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today I'm grateful for Walmart

We've moving soon and I'm super excited about the move in general but not necessarily about the moving itself.

Moving makes me grumpy.
It stresses me out.
Infact if I were really rich,I wouldn't move a thing from one house to another.I'd simply donate all the old stuff and buy new stuff each time I have to move.
No packing necessary.
But since I'm not that rich - yet - I have to pack and let me tell you,finding boxes has been a total pain in all the wrong places.
I have tried everywhere
I have made phone calls
I even went searching on craigslist in vain.
Finally last night at about 1:30am,I decided to drive out to a 24hr walmart to see if they could spare any boxes.
Jason gave me that tip (going there that late because they are stocking up the shelves then)
Anyway,I got there and asked the lady at the door where I could get boxes from and she said,"grab a cart and go to the cereal aisle"
Long story short..I got boxes.Lots and lots of them.
As many boxes as I could fit in my car and I didn't have to pay a penny for them.
I know some people detest Walmart but I've never had any issues with the store and today I'm grateful for Walmart for giving me boxes and making my life a little less stressful.

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