Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today I'm grateful for free parking

I know you're thinking "really?"
Did Mimi just say she's grateful for free parking?
YES I did.
If you live in Atlanta or any overcrowded city,then you know as well as I do that there is no such thing as free parking.
You have to pay for parking every single place you go to.
Occassionally you get lucky and a company validates your parking but most times you have to shell out 3 - 10 bucks just to park.

Today I went down to East Point to fill out some paper work and as I pulled up to the city hall building I cursed out loud because I remembered I had no cash on me. So I circled around the building looking for a free spot to sneak my car in for a few minutes while I ran inside.To my surprise right across city hall was a huge parking lot with only 3 cars.I thought everyone was avoiding it because of the parking fees but since I was desperate to find a spot,I decided to go there anyway. So,I pulled up next to one of the cars,rolled down my window and asked her where we pay for parking and if they accepted cards.She laughed at me and told me "honey,parking here is free" - you should have seen how excited I got the second those words left her mouth!Yah for free parking!!It felt really good to not have to pay for parking. Seriously.So,today I'm grateful for free parking - and for all companies that validate!

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