Thursday, February 10, 2011

Today I'm grateful for good music

I'm one of those rare cursed people who love ALL types of music.
I say cursed because I always get strange looks when I say I love all types of music.
Secretly though,I feel really blessed to be this open-minded about music.
I'm not loyal to one genre.
One minute I'll be rocking to country,next hour I'm singing along to gospel,two hours later I'm bouncing to rap and then the next day I'm all about rock and even cheesy pop.
As long as it's good music,I'll listen to it.
Music plays a huge role in my life.
If I'm feeling down,a good song can lift me up.
Most of my memories have a song attached to them.
And every once in a while I'll hear a song playing on the radio that will send me down memory lane bringing back a flood of really good (and sometimes bad) memories.
Sometimes a song expresses for me what I'm feeling about people and situations way better than I could ever do with my own words - and its for all those reasons that today I'm grateful for good music.

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