Thursday, February 24, 2011

Today I'm grateful for YOU

Yes,YOU the person reading this right now.
When I started this blog,I didn't know if anyone besides me would even bother to read it and yet here you are reading it right now.
I have so much to be grateful for and I didn't realise just how much until I started blogging about it.
I know some things seem so minor but those minor things are what keep me pressing on when life feels like "urgggggg" (<<--- yes,I have moments when I'm too frustrated to even come up with a suitable word)
I hope you too remember to celebrate and appreciate the little things and the big things you have in your life.
Trust me,you're far more blessed than you know.
May your cup always runneth over and may you always remember that not just today but every single day you come back here to read my ramblings,I am grateful for you.

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