Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Today I'm grateful for my new phone

My awesome new phone just got delivered today.
I was very positive I would hate it because it's a touch screen and my old one had an awesome keyboard but the old one was also a total pain in the neck - it was so horrible it had to be replaced TWICE in less than a year because it kept freezing.

Finally AT&T got tired of replacing the handset and they decided to send me a new phone.It came very quick too - I ordered it on Saturday afternoon and got it today.Thats AT&T for you,if nothing else,they do take excellent care of their customers -most of the time.

Anyway,my new phone is like an iPhone without being an iPhone.It has voice command and alot of neat features I'll probably never use but I enjoy messing around with.It's simple but beautiful and I can even check my email on it - I couldn't for some reason use the old one for this because the emails wouldn't show properly on the screen.But the major reason I am in total lust with this phone is it works!And hopefully,it will keep on working without any of the major drama from the old phone.

You ofcourse you already know what I'm celebrating today,don't you?Oh yeah,today I'm grateful for my new phone.

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