Thursday, March 3, 2011

Today I'm grateful for Hopeline

I've been feeling a bit down and overwhelmed.
I'm more than blessed and righteously have no reason to complain but lately my energy has been out of sync and I'm trying to go back to my happy place.I have a lot to be grateful for.....

New place (which I'm excited about even with that one not so nice neighbor)
New writing opportunities and a chance to grow my freebies blog
A healthy kid who still smoothers me with hugs and kisses and who thinks my horrible cooking rocks
And a whole bunch of good things happening for me right now.

And yet I feel this cloud hanging over me.
I have to acknowledge it because thats the first step to dealing with whatever is bothering me.
I know it's not depression
People say life is full of valleys and peaks and right now I'm stuck in a valley.
But there is hope.

For years I have been strongly encouraging everyone who needs help to call the hopeline.
I have never been suicidal - and I'm still not suicidal - so I never thought I would need to call Hopeline.But yesterday I was feeling so crappy and with no one to turn to,I found myself dialing the same digits I've always encouraged others to dial.I spoke to a wonderful lady who referred me to a peer group in my area where I spoke with yet another lovely lady who listened without judging.

She was kind and compassionate and by the end of that call,I honestly felt a little bit better...and I told her so.
All these calls and the talking did not cost me a penny.
It was all free and I ended up feeling like,you know what?
Someone cares about me.
Someone understands what I'm going through.
There is hope.
This is a temporary situation.
This too shall pass.

Today I'm grateful for Hopeline and I encourage matter what you're going through,even if all you want is someone to talk to and unload something on,please call Hopeline at 1-800-442-4673

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