Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Today I'm grateful I'm not Charlie Sheen

I'm restless.
I have some inner turmoil going on.
I want to squash it and get back to a happy place but at this point it seems I'm climbing uphill with no break in sight.
Confusion surrounds me but every once in a while a ray of sun shines through.
I'm trying desperately to cling onto that ray of sunshine.
I know I will come out of this confused state.
I know I will find clarity on whatever is bothering me.
I'm just glad that my personal issues aren't played out on a national platform like Charlie Sheen's issues.
I'm glad I have my couch to lay back on and think about my issues away from the prying and judgemental eyes of the world.
My issues seem so petty compared to the Charlie Sheen media circus and when I think of my issues in that way,I feel good - like,whatever this is,whatever is going on right now will pass.
On days like these,I'm glad I'm not a celebrity.
On days like these,I'm grateful for people like Charlie Sheen who make my own issues seem manageable.
On days like today,I'm grateful I'm not Charlie Sheen

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